7 cat cartoons to brighten your day

Terry Pratchett said of cats… “In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” Another great cat quote comes from James Herriot. “Cats are conoisseurs of comfort.” Rod McKuen said of cats, “Cats have it all: admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it.” All three of the aforementioned quotes sum up my view of cats. They are number one at looking after number one. They may appear to be cute and sweet. But behind those mysterious, beguiling facades lies a ruthless intention; one focused on tricking you into providing them with an endless supply of comfort. Their true natures come out when we see the cruelty with which they treat creatures smaller than them. At such times, we see the savage predator that lies at the heart of every adorable moggy.
Despite the fact the the internet is saturated with cat images and videos, here is my ten cents worth of cat images. There will be another Blog posting on this subject.