7 more Covid cartoons

Most of my Covid cartoons I did in the depths of the European lockdown of early 2021. This was when nobody knew anything about how things would turn out. People were scared to go out in the streets. Supermarket shelves were empty and vaccinations were still a long way off. Fear pervaded everyone’s life and normality had rapidly faded into history. A new normality took the place of the old. In the Covid-transformed world, working from home and being ‘on furlough’ became not only normal, but obligatory. The government paid peopel to stay at home and to not go out. Thus, social contact was almost abolished, along with travel, going to cinemas, theatres, clubs, pubs or restaurants. Those were dark days and with the rise-and-rise Omicron variant, we are more-or-less still living them.
These cartoons formed part of an exhibition of my cartoons. ‘PANDEMIC!’ was shown at the AGH university in Krakow during Novemver and December, 2021.